Our history
Data Together launched in 2016 in the wake of the Data Rescue movement, as archivers organized into working groups to backup at-risk US federal government datasets.
Since then Data Together has evolved into new model for distributed, community-driven stewardship of data. This model shows how groups of people, companies, institutions, NGOs, and governments can use decentralized and peer-to-peer web infrastructure to access, discover, verify, and preserve data they care about.
Who we are
Data Together is an ongoing, inclusive conversation, an open source community, a collaboration, a model, and a collection of tools, all of which are evolving quickly. We hope to build a future in which networks of collaborators make their data accessible to their peers, immediately discoverable, easily verifiable, and robustly preserved.
Data Together was founded and is led by three partner organizations listed below, and comprises members across the world.